Looking for a limited number of patients interested in a long term,Exclusive, doctor-patient relationship.
Primary care in America is in transition to a new system that is incredibly distant from the one most people are used to and expect. There are many factors in play which have disrupted forever the primary care model of yesteryear. Internet healthcare and advice, smart-phone technology, coupled with a new breed of non-doctors capable of prescribing and practicing medicine have given the care seeker a myriad of options for care heretofore nonexistent. Not all of them healthy.
The pitiful, stagnant, compensation, equating commercial reimbursement with Medicaid rates have shifted the practice dynamic. Private insurance compensation is no longer lucrative compared to the patient on public assistance. Patients have embraced convenience over a quality, caring, long term relationship with their doctor. The fidelity of the doctor patient relationship has been violated and replaced by any-care by anyone, anywhere. The result of which is an exacerbation of wait time, difficulty in getting timely appointments, increased stress for all, and systemically fractured non-continuity of care.
Patients feel empowered to seek care anywhere their whim or Google takes them as they have full confidence that their Physician will take them back and incorporate this self-directed care- choice without reprimand or consequence. The unintended results of this behavior are that mature practices are seeing the need to attract new patients continually to make up for the shortfall of established patients who are stepping out on their physician. The private practice of medicine; the traditional doctor- patient relationship based on compensation solely from insurance companies is dead. Private physicians have no economical choice but to turn their practice and you, the patient, over to one of the competing hospitals in the local healthcare market.
The Doctor has no choice but to become an employee of a large healthcare bureaucracy. He will see some patients as directed by administration but primarily his role will be to supervise from a distance the non-doctors who will provide the bulk of hands on, personal care. For a select minority of patients there is a choice. Private practice arrangements are the fastest growing type of primary care in America today.
Ironically the foibles of the current primary care mess are the driving force behind this movement to restore the doctor- patient relationship to the trusting, caring mutually respectful, bond that has been all but forgotten. I am accepting applications for limited number of clients to contract with my new company;
PERSONAL HEALTH CONSULTING LIMITED. Members will have timely personal health visits, email and texting privileges, and a detailed review of outside tests and specialty consultation. In addition, personalized longevity planning and motivation to achieve healthcare goals. Membership fee $2400 per person per year. In office medical care visits are subject to the usual medical insurance fee schedule and deductible, if any. To subscribe for the service please email your request to
Looking forward to being your doctor, M.J.WERZBERGER, MD